Gojumbos: Home of Men's Cross Country and Track & Field at Tufts University
Matt Lacey warming up Matt Lacey warming up Matt Lacey warming up Matt Lacey warming up Nate Brigham taking the lead on the first lap Nate Brigham in control Nate Brigham being awesome Nate Brigham Nate Brigham and the pack Matt Lacey waits in position Nate Brigham and Matt Lacey in the pack Nate Brigham and Matt Lacey in the pack Nate Brigham follows BU alum Robert Wong Nate Brigham follows BU alum Robert Wong Nate Brigham follows BU alum Robert Wong Nate Brigham gets bumped around Matt Lacey is so fast Men's 5k pack Men's 5k pack rounding the corner Nate Brigham and Matt Lacey waiting to make a move Nate Brigham and Matt Lacey looking strong Matt Lacey keeping pace Nate Brigham staying focused Nate Brigham takes the lead Nate Brigham in control David Bach and Alex Bloom cheering on the competitors David Bach and Alex Bloom still cheering Nate Brigham conserving enengy for a late move Nate Brigham waiting for the right time to make a move Nate Brigham staying patient Matt Lacey making a move Matt Lacey fighting through Nate Brigham talking to Andy Bonventre and Josh Kennedy Nate Brigham talking to Andy Bonventre and Josh Kennedy DMR 1200 Pack Aaron Kaye getting jostled around Aaron Kaye making his move Aaron Kaye strives for the front Aaron Kaye in good position Aaron Kaye staying strong Aaron Kaye leads the pack Aaron Kaye leads the pack Aaron Kaye leads the pack Pat Mahoney stays within striking distance Pat Mahoney staying smooth Pat Mahoney running really fast Pat Mahoney fighting for position Pat Mahoney fighting for position Pat Mahoney fighting for position Pat Mahoney sprints ahead Pat Mahoney sprints ahead Matt Fortin leading the pack Matt Fortin leading the pack Matt Fortin leading the pack Matt Fortin moving up Matt Fortin kicking Matt Fortin kicking